WIND RIDERS, a feature length documentary, contrasts the beauty and tranquility of hot-air ballooning with the dangerous and thrilling sport of gas balloon racing.

Richard Abruzzo and Carol Rymer Davis, a world championship gas balloon racing team, are determined to recapture their title in the planet’s oldest aviation race, the Gordon Bennett Cup. We soar with them in their tight, cramped basket as they fight to maintain control in treacherous weather and test the limits of their mental and physical endurance. Richard and Carol make no compromise in their quest for the world title – and they pay a tragic price for doing so.

Bill Hughes, a former Navy pilot, shares his passion for the serene sport of hot-air ballooning. Floating with passengers over great stretches of upstate New York, Bill’s balloon displays a seagull logo honoring Richard Bach’s iconic novel, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, the story of a young bird who defies convention in his search for life’s purpose. As Bill shares his knowledge and love of ballooning, it becomes clear that, much like Jonathan, he finds great purpose and meaning in his flights.


This beautiful film crosses the genres of sport and drama to unflinchingly depict personal stories that are touching, poignant and inspiring.